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These are the Classic Packings for both Hamer and Active Candy.
CLASSIC PACKING(Active)Trial Pack x 1Packing Specifications:Trial Pack (aka TP, 10 candies/box)How F..
RM 130.00
CLASSIC PACKING(Active)3-Piece Pack Dozen x 1Packing Specifications:3-Piece Pack Dozen (aka 3PPD, 3 ..
RM 380.00
CLASSIC PACKING / WHOLESALE(Active)Standard Box x 27Packing Specifications:Standard Box Active (aka ..
RM 5,500.00
CLASSIC PACKING / WHOLESALE(Active)15-Piece Pack x 24Packing Specifications:15-Piece Pack (aka 15PP,..
RM 2,845.00
CLASSIC PACKING / WHOLESALE(Active)Trial Pack x 24Packing Specifications:Trial Pack (aka TP, 10 cand..
RM 2,100.00
CLASSIC PACKING / WHOLESALE(Active)3-Piece Pack Dozen x 8Packing Specifications:3-Piece Pack Dozen (..
RM 2,435.00