Fatigue is a normal phase that we all experience throughout our life. Yet, many have trouble on how to treat them.
You want to achieve more things early in your life, but at what cost? Some work cultures are practiced by a majority within the East that is potentially built to squeeze every bit of your energy and motivation until you decide to off yourself in some remote areas or, if you are bold enough, in public.
One of these systems is called a 996 working culture practiced by some companies in the People’s Republic of China. There are other infamous work cultures, but the most severe work culture is in Japan.
According to Statista, between 2009 – 2019, over 24,000 people have died in Japan due to suicides caused by mental stress and fatigue from work. So this is pretty common in Japan that they have a term for it called “Karojisatsu”.
Thankfully, this issue is gradually decreasing as most companies start to adopt curfews, but you still want to exert more effort during those periods of hours of work.
People have different levels of tolerance towards their mental health. Some can work much longer and still be mentally sound, while others can only work for several hours until they become mentally exhausted and start to drift away from their desk and lose their will to do more.
It is fine! We all are different and several factors influence symptoms of fatigue to reach sooner.
These factors include but are not limited to:
- Physical – diabetes, anemia, cancer. and glandular fever
- Psychological and psychosocial – depression, anxiety, and stress
Having one or more of these factors can cause your fatigue to be severe and/or much sooner to occur. Let’s get deeper into each factor and how it can affect you.

What could be Responsible for Extreme Fatigue?
I have already mentioned some of the causes of fatigue and how a combination of those causes can amplify the severity of fatigue cases among people.
Before you start panicking on how you may have a worst-case scenario, i.e., cancer, you can start by fixing the common causes that may be caused during your day-to-day life.
First off… your psychological & psychosocial state.

Whether your lifestyle causes it, negative experience, and diet; all of these attributes can have detrimental problems to your mental health.
If any of these causes your fatigue, then you need to start taking necessary precautions before they become much more than just stress.
Start adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes; 7 -9 hours of sleep, a healthy diet (including more seafood, vegetables, fruits, avoid processed meat, etc.), and exercise daily.
Depression doesn’t cause fatigue alone, but they certainly do fuel your existing exhaustion.
In addition, those who are affected by chronic fatigue syndrome may develop sleep disorders, such as insomnia, and this condition can make your fatigue more severe due to lack of rest.
Once you lack rest, you lose motivation to perform your daily activities. For example, simple activities such as retrieving a parcel at your doorstep might be a difficult task for you.
If your quality of rest continues to diminish, then you can expect the risk of developing depression to increase, and thus, compound the level of fatigue you place yourself into.
Seek counseling for those who are suffering from depression and identify the underlying factors that can be treated and reverse these harmful effects before they can lead to something regretful in the future.
Anxiety can lead to a hormonal rush that leaves your energy drained and exhausted. It may be temporary, but the effects can last for much longer.
Despite having enough rest, you may still feel severely fatigued. Again, it shows the anxiety and fatigue complement one another.

Several internal and external factors can cause and amplify your anxiety. Internal factors include:
- Phobic disorders
- Panic disorders
- The external factors include:
- Stress from work
- Financial stress
- Side effects of medication
- Drugs
- Symptoms of medical illness (such as heart attack, trouble breathing, and heat stroke)
By identifying the cause of your anxiety, you can treat them and/or possibly eliminate them to help reduce and/or eliminate your fatigue.
One of the main reasons why diabetes can cause fatigue is due to the changes in your blood sugar levels.
When you have diabetes, your body will have trouble regulating and using your blood sugar when you have your meal, food is broken down into glucose for energy.
However, when you have diabetes, you don’t produce enough insulin or have trouble using insulin. Insulin is required to absorb the glucose from the blood, and when your body has issues using insulin, the glucose stays in your blood while your cells are starving for energy from glucose.
It results in your fatigue from the lack of energy, you get from the glucose. It can be efficiently dealt with by the use of medications such as insulin or metformin used to increase absorption of glucose in the blood, and reduce the presence of them in the blood that could lead to severe effects in the future.
Anemia is a disease where your body is lacking enough healthy red blood cells to transport sufficient oxygen to your body’s tissue.
There are several forms of anemia, and these forms can be temporary or long-term and range from mild to severe.
The lack of oxygen transported into your cells is one reason you will suffer from fatigue.
If your diet causes your anemia, this can easily be treatable by having a healthy diet and supplements.

To increase the red blood cells in your body, you will need to consume:
- Iron – Meat, beans, lentils, dark green leafy vegetables, and dried fruit
- Vitamin B-12 – Dairy products, soy products, and meat
- Folate – Fruits, Bread, cereal, pasta, rice, dark green leafy vegetables, green peas, etc.
- Vitamin C – Fruits and juices
Once you start following this diet, you can expect to regain your red blood cells back and reduce your fatigue over time.
Cancer is one of the diseases that are quite difficult to treat, and it comes with unwanted side effects such as fatigue.
It may be caused by cancer itself and/or the treatment you go through. Cancer can cause fatigue in your body due to the release of proteins called cytokines, which are known to be the reason for fatigue.
Another reason why cancer drains your energy is that certain cancers can rob more power from you, weaken muscles, and damage your organs.
Other reasons could be the treatment you go through, such as chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy. But, unfortunately, these treatments cause side effects such as vomiting, nausea, insomnia. etc., which are all responsible for your fatigue.
To treat your fatigue, your doctor may provide medication and advise you to reserve your energy for your most important daily tasks.
Glandular fever is an illness caused by a virus called the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

A virus that is present in the saliva of infected people and can be quickly spread. This virus is spread by; cough, sneezing, kissing and sharing utensils.
This illness is also known to cause fatigue for the infected individual. But no worries, this can be efficiently dealt with by drinking plenty of water, plenty of rest, and taking painkillers.
As you can see, I’ve listed some of the reasons why you may suffer extreme fatigue in your day to day life,
If your fatigue falls under the psychological and psychosocial, then specific changes towards your lifestyle may help you combat fatigue, however, some do not have the luxury to take a day off and need to continue their hustle just to make ends meet.
The Conventional Ways Used To Deal With Extreme Fatigue.
I’ve started some of the most common ways that you can do to manage your fatigue, so let’s discuss each one:
Depending on the cause of your fatigue, it’s best to stay away from any form of medication.
It is due to the various side effects one can obtain from certain medications. Not only will you be able to gain a quick relief for your fatigue, but you obtain several other negative effects.
For example, if it is insomnia that causes your fatigue, there are several medications you can take to help you sleep, including:
- Zolpidem (Ambien)
- Eszopiclone (Lunesta)
- Ramelteon(Rozerem)

Possible side effects from taking Zolpidem are memory loss, behavioral changes, hallucination. In addition, some people may get an allergic reaction from this drug that could cause swelling, trouble breathing, and rash.
But if you have cancer, diabetes, etc., then take your medications as the benefit outweighs the harm.
One of the reasons why you may get easily fatigued is how unhealthy you are.
For example, for overweight individuals, you are required to need more oxygen to energize your body cells.
But you cannot supply enough oxygen due to the lack of oxygen intake that goes into your body. Also, you need to supply even more oxygen than a normal-weight individual.
So by beginning an exercise program, you can shed those pounds and start utilizing more energy efficiently.
But, some people that are normal weight may experience fatigue due to their fitness level.

Here are some of the exercises you can do to eliminate your fatigue gradually:
Aerobic exercises: These exercises help boost endorphins, giving us the energized effect and increase oxygen levels in the blood. These include running, jogging, cycling, etc.
Stretching exercises: Stretching helps ease your body and mind from the physical and mental stress you put in your body. Your stress tolerance may decrease over time, causing fatigue, anxiety, and depression. So by performing a few stretching exercises, such as yoga, you can relieve stress and rejuvenate your mind.

Drink Plenty of Water
Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for fatigue.
Water is necessary for transporting nutrients to your body’s cells. When you restrict your water intake, you may be more prone to exhaustion and feeling weak throughout the day.
So it’s best to start by drinking sufficient water throughout your day to see if this is the primary cause of your fatigue before you move to alternatives.
Is the stress killing your will? Well, I believe it’s time you reward yourself with a break!
It’s important to know that you need to free your mind from work before you start making specific lifestyle changes.
Slowly maintain this healthy lifestyle ritual within your vacation, and once you get back to work, your body and mind are prepared for quick destress exercises throughout the day.
I’ve mentioned some vitamins you can take to increase red blood production for you to optimize oxygen levels present within your blood that will help aid energizing of cells in your body that will help beat fatigue.
However, some of you may be vegetarians and will have much difficulty gaining these vitamins through your diet.
So here are some vitamin supplements examples that you can purchase:

An average adult only needs about 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 per day.
However, experts have claimed that this intake is too low and have raised it between 6 – 10 mcg.
Non-vegetarians can quickly meet this new recommended intake from meat, dairy, egg, etc.
For the best vitamin B-12 supplement on the market, the average cost for Nature Made B12 tablets are $15 – $22, depending on the number of tablets included per bottle.

An average adult only needs 8.7mg per day for men and 14.8mg per day for women.
You can get iron from red meat, oysters, liver, egg, and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach.
But if you are a vegetarian, you may need to consume twice as much as the recommended intake.
For the best iron supplement in the market, Nature Made Iron 65mg supplement provides more than enough iron you need for your blood cells to stay healthy, costing you around $18 per bottle in the market.

When you don’t consume enough folate, this may lead you to develop a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia.
It affects your red blood production by producing abnormal red blood cells, affecting your red blood cells performance and thus, causing extreme fatigue.
A diet filled with leafy green vegetables, broccoli, chickpeas, etc., is sufficient for you to get the recommended daily folate intake, which is 200 micrograms for adults.
But if you do have trouble meeting them, then I recommend you Life Extension Optimized Folate 1000 mcg, at the price of $10.16, providing more than enough folate that’[l help your red blood cells and combat fatigue.

Vitamin C is known to boost your immune system, but did you know that it helps fight against fatigue?
Vitamin C is responsible for converting lysine into carnitine, which is required to fuel your muscles – aiding relief towards your muscle pain and thus, decreasing fatigue.
Also, when you are experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome, your adrenal glands will underperform, and it requires vitamin C to synthesize tyrosine to dopamine, creating adrenalineneeded to enhance your mood and eliminate your fatigue.
An adult needs to consume 40 mg of vitamin C per day.
You can quickly get this amount by incorporating fruits and vegetables such as; oranges, broccoli, pepper, strawberries, etc.
But if you are unable to find these fruits and vegetables, I recommend you buy
Kirkland Signature Vitamin C 1000mg, at the price of $25.89

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in your body that help optimize muscle and nerve function, energy production, and more.
Magnesium promotes better sleep quality by helping your muscles relax and low magnesium results in muscle weakness, which is one reason for extreme fatigue and may discourage you from performing your daily routine.
Foods such as fish, whole grains, spinach, nuts, etc., would be a good source of magnesium. The recommended daily intake an adult person needs is 300mg and 270mg for men and women, respectively.
If you have trouble meeting them, then you can purchase magnesium supplements such as Naturelo Magnesium Glycinate 200mg, at the price of $22.95.
Introducing The Hamer Candy Solution To Extreme Fatigue
I have provided you with several supplements that you could get a hold of to help you combat fatigue. But the problem is: Are YOU willing to spend OVER $100 and take FIVE capsules every day for the rest of your life?
As I’ve mentioned, getting the vitamins you need to aid your red blood cells can be easily obtained from a healthy diet of meat, seafood, fruits, and vegetables.
However, these supplements are sufficient for you to maintain the energy you need in your daily life, but how can you go beyond “just sufficient”?
That’s why you are here, and let me show you about this revolutionary product: Hamer Candy.
Hamer Candy is one of the best products that are available in the market. Its unique selling point is that it is composed of purely natural ingredients. These ingredients are so promising that it’s been used as traditional medicine used by the Chinese and Koreans for OVER A THOUSAND YEARS!

These ingredients include Cynomorium Songaricum, ginseng, malt, coffee, brown sugar, pomegranate, and enzymes.
Coffee and brown sugar are known to help erase fatigue, but you are probably curious about Cynomorium Songaricum and ginseng.
Cynomorium Songaricum is a traditional herb used by Chinese men who suffer sexual impotence.
One of the reasons that they suffer from low libido is the lack of energy. By consuming this plant, they slowly regain the power they need to perform in bed.
Now, for those who are suffering from fatigue, this is just a bonus you can get besides treating your fatigue
Ginseng is another plant that is popular in East Asia for its use to treat fatigue. However, it has a bonus for your brain health. It treats both physical and mental fatigue you may experience throughout your life – improving your mood throughout the day.
You can see how amazing these ingredients can do to enhance your energy further. So let’s see the overall benefits you can achieve from taking ONE candy per day:
- Achieve the best ingredients at a very low cost
- Save your time and money buying OVERPRICED coffee at Starbucks
- Improve memory
- Erase physical AND mental fatigue
- Enhance your sex drive
- Enhance endurance during exercise
And more…

Fatigue is a normal phase we all may encounter during our lifetime.
With the proper diet and exercise, you may quickly deal with extreme fatigue. However, those who need more help combatting their fatigue MUST get a hold of Hamer Candy!
Hamer Candy has various benefits that you need the ones you know and others you may not be aware of.
Taking ONE candy per day religiously could be the BEST investment you will ever make in your life, and prevent yourself from taking a trip to the hospital in the future.
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